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Are you registered?

Have you tried registering?

What problems are you having to register?

Do you remember your username?

Is there a problem with your user?

Do you remember your password?

Remember that your username is the email you used to register

Have you tried to recover your password?

What problems are you having to recover your password?

The system will send you an email to recover your password.

Enter your Herbalife Id to continue removal.

Herbalife Ids do not support blanks and in some cases only have letters and numbers

You do not have an account?

Do you have access to the email you used to register?

If you do not have access to the email you used to register, you must register again using a new email. So we must delete your registered user. All training progress you have made will be deleted. After elimination, you must wait at least 24 hours to register again.
Do you agree?

Usuario eliminado

MyHBL.com is a private virtual training and recruiting portal for Herbalife Distributors. Only distributors belonging to the Lineage of the following Presidents can access the MyHBL.com portal:

Alex Fernandez, Edgar Balbas, Andre Lafaye, Juan Miguel Mendoza, Disney & Jorge de la Concepción. Pablo Nebrera, Jorge de la Concepción Sr.

If you belong to the lineage of any of the Presidents listed, you must wait for authorization to enter. Otherwise, you can be invited to the portal as the spouse of a registered Distributor. Registered Distributors have a single invitation space for their spouse.

If your herbalife id has not been approved you may be in one of the following cases:

The president of your organization has not approved your herbalife id, the approval process takes place approximately every 24 hours, so you must wait this time to enter.

You do not belong to any of the following organizations supported by myhbl.com:

Alex Fernandez, Edgar Balbas, Andre Lafaye, Juan Miguel Mendoza, Disney & Jorge de la Concepción, Pablo Nebrera, Jorge de la Concepción Sr.

Check your SPAM. Sometimes the sent mail can be there.

Other reasons why you don't receive mail:

1 - Your mailbox may be full

2 - The email I use to register is no longer active

3 - The email I use to register is misspelled.

The data to be deleted are the following:

Are you sure about the removal?

Your username has been successfully removed. You should expect your president to give you access to the platform again.

By not continuing with the elimination process, you must regain access to the email that you registered on the platform. Otherwise you will not be able to access.

Recover password

We will send an email to the mailbox of mail that indicates and thus continue with the process of recovery of password

Create an account

Recover user

Herbalife Ids do not support blanks and in some cases only have letters and numbers

Succesful request!

You do not have an account?